Breann Wong

Jan 19, 20222 min

Are you Joining Us for Veganuary?

Each January marks the beginning of Veganuary, a month where vegans and non-vegans alike commit to eating plant-based foods. This Veganuary, we are looking at plant-based diets and the impact they have on our health and our world.

Plant-Based Diets are Nutritious and Fun

For many people, eating plant-based can have many health benefits. Plant-based foods are high in fiber and low in calories, saturated fat, and cholesterol!

Not only do people avoid meat but they also choose to avoid animal products, such as dairy, eggs, and honey. Cutting out these animal-based products can help reduce inflammation in the body, which can help with acne, weight gain/loss, and even assist with diabetes control.

Though some people might think that cutting meat out of your diet will leave you with a protein deficit, for most, eating different sources of protein (like beans, nuts, and tofu) will fill that need. (Obviously, please consult with your doctor before starting any new diet!)

You might be saying “Okay, this actually sounds cool, but only eating vegetables sounds SO BORING AND BLAND!” Well think again! Have fun with your meals. Focus your meal around a vegetable you’ve never cooked before, each time you go to the farmers’ market, pick out a new fruit to try! Cook your vegetables in a different way: instead of boiling them, try sauteeing them!

Eat Plants (Near You) to Save the World

Not only is eating plant-based better for your health, but studies show that it is better for the environment too! Reducing meat consumption by switching to a plant-based diet actually helps reduce your carbon footprint! Not only does the transportation and fuel needed to ship animal feed and animals themselves across the country contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, but so does animal manure! The manure itself is responsible for a large chunk of greenhouse gas emissions - releasing methane, a greenhouse gas that traps heat in our atmosphere better than Carbon Dioxide!

Also, eating a plant-based diet helps conserve water! The Water Footprint Network estimates that it takes 1,000 gallons of water to produce just one gallon of milk! (Think of all the water it takes to make a batch of ice cream!!!) Even by switching to plant-based milks, you can have a positive impact on the planet!

It is important to note eating locally is just as important as eating plant-based! Eating a pineapple grown all the way in Hawaii that has to travel thousands of miles across the ocean to arrive at your plate is not necessarily great for the environment! To help keep your foods local, try out your local farmers markets where farmers bring the freshest (and nearest) produce to you!

Find Kula Ice Cream at these farmers’ markets in San Diego:

Tuesday: Pacific Beach 2-6 (2-7 summer hours)

Wednesday: Ocean Beach 4-7

Thursday: North Park 3-6:30 (3-7:30 summer hours)

Saturday: Little Italy 8-2

Sunday: Hillcrest 9-2

We are proud to be a company that prioritizes health, dietary preferences, AND the environment. Keeping our products plant-based is one way to do this! Try out Kula Ice Cream this Veganuary!

For more resources on these topics, we recommend following:

Isaias Hernandez (@queerbrownvegan)

Alexis Nikole (@blackforager)

One Green Planet (@onegreenplanet)

Veganuary’s Official Site (@weareveganuary)

Download the VKind App to find vegan businesses near you!
